Thursday, 28 September 2017

Mark Miodownik - Stuff Matters

This was such a vibrant, informative and enjoyable book! Saturated with the author's enthusiasm, his passion for the subject bursts from every page.  Written for the layperson, Miodownik achieves what all experts must dream about in attempts to popularise their subjects; the reader feels like a learned expert after reading each chapter!  He seems to possess a kind of synesthesia for materials whereby they “speak” to him in a way they do not for an average person. For instance, he calls gold the full fat milk of materials and fondly recollects being entranced on a visit to the Crown Jewels writing, “The gold and jewels seemed to speak a fundamental language to me, more fundamental than art, more primitive.  A feeling akin to religious devotion came over me” (p184).  Another example comes from the chapter on paper, where he draws comparisons between the type of paper used in an activity and the activity itself. Soft, crafted paper bags for expensive clothes, which mimic their contents, and hard rigid travel tickets that are redolent of the hard, rigid machines they allow entry to.  This is especially true of transport because as trains, cars and planes have become thinner and lighter so have the tickets!  This connection of object to its usage reminded me of fellow scientist Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table although there Levi draws connections between the characteristics of elements and people he has known.  Plastic cups are anthropomorphised too, “they look jolly and sweet, the material mirroring the state of infancy.  It would be appropriate if plastic juice cups grew up to be ceramic tea cups as they got older, becoming stronger, stiffer and more distinguished” (p203).  Not all of his synesthetic impressions ring true and sometimes he gets a bit carried away with himself allowing the pleasure of making connections to override the truth of the connections made!  When writing about glass he notes that in spite of its ubiquity and myriad applications it doesn’t engender much affection from humans,  “It is a featureless material: smooth, transparent and cold.  These are not human qualities”.  He thinks people seem to prefer warmer, more solid things as the objects for their affection.  “The very thing that we value it for has also disqualified it from our affections: it is inert and invisible, not just optically, but culturally” (p178-9).  This is an interesting idea, while not actually being true, as glass can be used to engender very strong emotional reactions, as in the creation of glassware, the works of the artist Chihuly or, most obviously, stained glass windows in churches, which he actually mentions himself in the same chapter!  However, given the generally high standard of the connections he draws, it seems fair to allow him the odd swing and a miss.

The style and structure of the prose is similarly enthusiastic and engaging.  The chapter on plastic is a great exemplification of the author’s style.  He takes a quirky, folksy experience from his day to day life, past or present, and moves on to expound the material in question’s basic science and history.  In this case, the quirky experience is an argument with a cinema goer during his student days and the material is plastic.  The experience is usually remembered with some form of self-deprecation or mocking and in this case he paints himself as a pretentious, condescending and socially awkward student.  In short, plastic facilitated photography’s switch from using glass plates to using thin films of celluloid, which later led to the invention of the eponymous moving pictures (movies) and, eventually, cinemas.  Here too, his enthusiasm and creativity can take him a little bit too far.  He writes the key historical interactions in the style of screenplays, albeit with mixed results and copious amounts of extraneous jocular dialogue, but it is totally in-keeping with his slightly zany creative flair.  I personally preferred the chapters without screenplays although there were a couple of good bits and others may enjoy them more than me!  He is also funny and some parts made me laugh out loud.  The chapter on glass starts with a hilarious passage where the author recollects an experience he had driving through the never ending olive groves of Andalucia.  He writes, “as the trees that lined the roads rushed past, I found myself catching glimpses of the groves moving repeatedly into perfect alignment, flickering like an old silent film.  It was as if the ancient olive trees were performing a magic trick for me….these brief snapshots, of line after line of trees stretching seemingly to infinity, were addictive.  I watched the road, and then the trick, then the road, then the trick, the I hit a tractor.”! (p160-1)

The book's concluding passages contain a good summary of the love for materials and interpretation of their role in society that’s in evidence throughout, “although materials around us might seem like blobs of differently coloured matter, they are in fact much more than that:  they are complex expressions of human needs and desires.  And in order to create these materials - in order to satisfy our need for things like shelter and clothes, our desires for chocolate and cinema - we have had to do something quite remarkable: we have had to master their inner structure.  This way of understanding the world is called material science, and it is thousands of years old.  It is no less significant, no less human, than music, art, film or literature, or other sciences, but is less well known” (p236-7).  For the author, materials are a central part of our humanity and, on finishing the book, I’m inclined to agree with his statement that, “They mean something, they embody our ideals, they give us part of our identity” (p246).

Inevitably, when attempting to make such a complex and scientific subject accessible to the non-specialist there’ll necessarily be instances of over-simplification or omission.  These didn’t seem very common to me but one question that struck me as glaringly in need of further explanation came in the chapter on glass. Here we read about how light is refracted (see chapter notes on GLASS, below) on the basis of wavelength. In the earlier chapter on foam we have learned that the appearance of the sky is blue is due to scattering of blue light within the earth’s atmosphere because shorter wavelengths scatter more easily than longer ones (see notes on FOAM). But it is purple, not blue, that is the bottom of the rainbow of refracted light (i.e. it has the shortest wavelength), which begs the obvious question:  Shouldn’t the sky doesn’t look purple in this case?  The answer seems to lie in the human eye’s ability to see blue more readily than purple but this is left conspicuously unaddressed.

In conclusion, this was a wonderful book!  Especially given that my interest in science is quite limited and it is not a subject that excites me much.  The author’s enthusiasm and love of his subject is so great, he’s able to transmit it through his writing with a childlike fervour that’ll surely rub off on anyone who reads it.  He made the subject interesting, entertaining and accessible and presented lots of complicated and specialist ideas in a comprehensible way for a non-scientific lay reader.

Below, I’ll include my notes from the chapters as they contain a wealth of interesting facts about, and explanations of, the materials that surround us everyday. I wouldn’t have given a them a second thought to before reading this book!


  • All metals have a crystalline structure and are malleable / move because of billions of imperfections called dislocations p18

  • Inchtuthil, Scotland was the site where almost 1m Roman nails were found buried in a pit.  They did so as nails were such a valuable commodity for their enemies they didn't want them to fall into their hands p22

  • Samuari swords use low carbon, flexible steel at the centre and high carbon, sharp but brittle steel as an outer wrapper and were incomparable before science of steel was understood p25

  • Henry Bessemer, and his process of blowing oxygen into molten iron to remove carbon, originally didn't work very well / reliably until metallurgist Mushet suggested removing ALL the carbon then adding the ideal quantity of 1% back again p26

  • In 1903, Gillette sold 51 razors and 168 blades. In 1904 he sold 91k razors and 124k blades! P28

  • The inventor of stainless steel, Brearley, did so while trying to make tougher gun barrels. He discarded the failures in a pile but exhumed the stainless steel one when he realised it had no rust. It wasn't hard enough for gun barrels. the combination of iron, carbon and chromium creates a steel with a layer of chromium oxide adhering closely to its outer surface meaning it won't rust.  The oxide doesn't react with saliva meaning cutlery doesn't taste of anything and that people no longer taste their cutlery. P29-30


  • Strangely, I didn’t write any notes on this chapter except the example of “material synesthesia” mentioned in the review! Perhaps it’s because the chemistry is more simple of more familiar than the other materials; I think I remember studying how paper was made a few times at school.  Or perhaps I simply wasn’t concentrating much during this chapter!


  • Is made up of calcium carbonate (usually Limestone), powdered iron-rich and aluminium-rich rock containing silicate and water.  The powdered rock is heated to around 1450 C to release the constituent elements from their bonds.  Water is added to the powdered mixture and the it forms a gel; cement.  If rocks are added to cement it becomes concrete, a structural material.

  • 50% of everything built in the world is concrete!

  • The Romans’ discovered concrete ready-made in Pozzuoli, near Naples, because silicate rich rocks had been superheated in the volcano and spewed out as ash.  All they had to do was mine this powder and add limestone and water!  This substance would help them to build their empire. The Pantheon in Rome is an excellent example of their concrete engineering prowess; it remains the world’s largest unsupported, concrete dome!

  • After the fall of the Roman empire concrete technology was lost for about 1,000 years.  It’s not clear why this knowledge of material science was lost but the author thinks it may have partly been because of the Roman failure to solve concrete’s major issue as a construction material; it cracks under stress. p72

  • However, in 1876, a French gardener called Joseph Monier wanted to make large pots for his plants that wouldn’t crack like terracotta.  He put rings of steel inside the concrete mould before pouring the pots and discovered reinforced concrete! This concrete was able to withstand bending stress without cracking because of the steel within it.  The key here is that cement, and concrete, both bind to steel and have a similar coefficient of expansion.  Hence, the structure is solid and will remain so in both hot and cold conditions when both the steel and the concrete will expand and contract. p74-5

  • Reinforced concrete’s structure can still be compromised by small cracks, the entrance of water into these cracks and freeze-thaw shattering.  However, self-healing concrete has been invented whereby bacteria found in highly alkaline, sulphurous lakes is added to the concrete along with a form of starch.  These bacteria lie dormant until water and air enter their environment, which activates them and they start to feed on the starch before excreting calcite that helps the concrete to refill these gaps! p80

  • Self-cleaning concrete uses titanium dioxide particles, which react with UV in sunlight to create free radical ions that break down any dirt that comes into contact with them.  This new technology may also have applications for removing pollutants from the atmosphere much like plants. P84

  • Concrete cloth, which comes as a roll and only needs water to be added to harden, can be made into any shape desired before being set and may be used to create structures and shelters very quickly.


  • The triglycerides in chocolate can take 5 forms depending on how the crystals are packed together within the substance: Types I & II are not very dense, mechanically soft and unstable and will change into types III & IV very quickly.  Types III & IV are dense but soft and crumbly and have no snap when broken, which is important from a psychophysical perspective as this is associated with feeling of pleasure and freshness!  Types III and IV are what you will get if you melt chocolate and leave it to cool down and re-congeal.  Type V is the form sort by chocolatiers.  It is the most dense form, has a hard, shiny, mirror like look, snaps when broken and, perhaps most importantly, has a higher melting point than the other forms meaning it melts in the mouth at 34C whereas the others are, in varying degrees, lower.  Getting chocolate to form type V crystals is hard and takes time so chocolatiers add ‘seed’ type V crystals during the cooling process to encourage their formation before types III and IV, which are formed more easily. p87-8

  • The reason cooked chocolate tastes different to chocolate in your mouth is that many tastes evaporate from the chocolate while it is cooked whereas in your mouth these are all picked up by your sense of smell, which gives chocolate its unique flavour. P91

  • Cocoa beans must be fermented for a few weeks in a pile on the ground before they are ready for roasting as this creates ‘fruity’ ester molecules, which are essential for chocolate’s distinctive taste. P93

  • Maillard reactions (protein + carbohydrate) in the roasting process creating nutty, meaty esters within the beans themselves. P94-5

  • The Mesoamericans, who invented chocolate, would then grind up the fermented, roasted beans and add water to make a drink (chocolatl) and it was in this form that chocolate first came to Europe as an unsuccessful competitor to tea and coffee in 17th century. P95

  • It remained like that for 200 years until Dutch chocolatier Van Houten invented the bean press in 1828, which allowed cocoa butter to be separated from cocoa powder.  Cocoa powder found popularity as hot chocolate but the process also allowed chocolatiers in Belgium, Holland and Switzerland to refine the composition of their chocolate.  Now they could fine tune the amount of butter, powder, milk, sugar and any other number of additives creating new, pleasurable experiences in the mouth.  This development allowed Fry and Sons, an English firm, to create the first chocolate bar. P96


  • MM geeks out a bit too hard over a material called silica aerogel, which is 99.8% air, and was invented in 1931 by Samuel Kistler.  Made by taking a liquid silica gel and increasing its temperature, while under sufficient pressure to prevent evaporation, the liquid changes to gas and is then released leaving behind the structural skeleton that previously held the liquid.  It is the lightest solid on earth and a fantastic insulator.

  • Aerogel has a blue colour when placed against a blue background but should be clear as it is essentially made from glass.  When light from the sun enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it hits lots of molecules before reaching the ground.  If all light was scattered equally then the sky would be white but blue light waves are shorter so these get scattered more than other, longer colours.  Hence, when we look at the sky we see the blue light waves that have been scattered and bounced around the atmosphere.  This is called Raleigh scattering and is very slight indeed so you need a huge volume of molecules to see it; hence, the sky looks blue but a room doesn’t.  However, aerogel is a small amount of air encapsulated in a transparent material that happens to have billions of billions of tiny internal surfaces.  As such, these myriad internal surfaces scatter the light sufficiently to make it appear blue! p112

  • Largely unappreciated during the inventor’s life, the material eventually found applications for space exploration at NASA and particle identification at CERN.  To the author’s delight it was eventually used as a net to catch space dust!  It’s probably these rockstar geek credentials that engender the author’s enthusiasm for the substance, which is, admittedly, interesting and somewhat magical.  However, for the layperson, it’s not as relevant as the preceding chapters on more common, everyday materials.


  • Plastic was first invented in an attempt to create billiard balls without using expensive ivory as a raw material.  Around 1869, John Wesley Hyatt mixed nitrocellulose with alcohol to create a coating for wooden balls, also experimenting with making solid objects like combs, false teeth and jewelry.


  • When the silicone dioxide (SiO2) quartz is heated up the molecules vibrate and break their bonds to form liquid glass but, unlike many other substances like water, it does not return to its previous state when it cools but rather becomes a solid with the molecular structure of a chaotic liquid; glass. P162

  • Making anything equivalent to modern glass is hard because you need quite pure quartz, as raw material, and very high temperatures (1200C).  However, these conditions can occur naturally when lightening strikes sand.  Here, temperatures of up to 10,000C cause the sand to form fulgurites, which look like rough, sandy lightening bolts (fulgur in Latin). While the outside is rough, because the dissipating heat from the lightning only fuses together the sand particle rather than melting them, the centre, where the lightning vapourises the sand, is a completely smooth, hollow glass tube.  Air bubbles trapped inside fulgurites can be used to analyse the atmospheric conditions of past eras in the same way as ice cores.  P163-4

  • In one part of the Libyan desert there is white sand composed almost entirely of quartz, which forms very pure, clear fulgurites akin to modern glass.  A piece of this desert glass forms the centrepiece of a decorative scarab on the mummified body of Tutankhamun! It can be dated to 26 million years ago and, thus, couldn’t have been made by the Egyptians. P165

  • Both the Egyptian and Greek civilisations experimented with glass and made some progress but it was the Romans who added a form of sodium carbonate to their sand, which allowed them to form transparent glass at a much lower temperature than would be possible with pure quartz.  This helped them to develop the first glass windows.  Until then windows had been open holes in houses, hence their original name; “wind eye”! P165-6

  • The Romans also used glass in combination with thin sheets of polished metal to create cheaper, more durable mirrors and discovered glass blowing to create thin walled objects like glasses that were difficult to manufacture using a mould. Not only did this allow for a drinking vessel with a neutral taste, unlike pewter or ceramic, but also allowed people to see what they were drinking for the first time!  The author links this with the later development of golden, sparkling, visually appealing lager vs. the dark, opaque ales that were drunk from pewter tankards.

  • Interestingly, Eastern cultures had little interest in developing glass technology despite their mastery over other types of material science.  Traditionally, Japanese and Chinese cultures used paper to construct windows in their houses and pretty much ignored glass all the way up until the 19th century.  This prevented these cultures from inventing the microscope and the telescope, which were introduced by Western missionaries, which could have retarded their scientific development vs. the West. p169

  • Given that glass’s atomic structure is similar to many other materials, i.e. the nucleus and the electrons barely take up any room and the majority of the atom is air or nothingness, why is glass transparent and other substances are not?  The answer is to do with ‘quantum mechanics’! When energy, in this case light, hits an atom the electrons within the atom try to use this energy to change their position within the atom.  This takes a certain amount of energy and if there isn’t sufficient energy for the electron to change position then the light will simply pass through the atom making it transparent to the human eye. Higher energy light, like UV, does have sufficient energy to move the electrons in glass and so make it seem opaque. This is why you can’t get a suntan through glass, because the UV never reaches you.  Substances like wood or metal have electrons that don’t need a lot of energy to change position and so look opaque under visible light and UV. p171

  • Even if glass can’t absorb visible light, moving through the interior of an atom still affects it, slowing it down until it emerges from the other side and speed up again.  This is why when light strikes glass at an angle it refracts because the different parts of light are momentarily travelling at different speeds.  The same process allows magnification to be achieved using a curved lens.  p171

  • In 1666, Newton explained the natural phenomena of rainbows demonstrating that water droplets refracted visible light in the same way as glass prism. P172

  • Chemistry was transformed by glass like perhaps no other discipline as it is so important to be able to observe what happens to the substances and solutions under examination!  The addition of boron oxide to glass to make it expand and contract less under heat, know by the trade name PYREX, was also extremely important to countless chemical discoveries!  Apparently, every really serious chemistry lab has it’s own glass blower! P173

  • Safety glass and bullet proof glass are made by inserting layer so of plastic, called laminates, between the glass to hold the glass together (safety glass) and help to spread the energy of the impact over a wider area (bulletproof glass). One layer of laminate will stop a 9mm bullet, 4 a magnum .44, and 8 an AK47!! p177


  • “The biggest diamond yet discovered is located in the Milky Way in the constellation of Serpens Cauda, where it is orbiting a pulsar star called PSR J1719-1438.  It is an entire planet five times the size of the earth.” p183

  • India was the sole source of diamonds until the mid 18th century, when they were discovered in other parts of the world, most notably SA. p184

  • The marketing phrase “Diamonds are forever”, coined for De Beers during the expansion of diamond sales for engagement rings in the 20th century, is totally untrue as all diamonds are slowly turning into their more stable cousins; graphite.  The process, however, would take billions of years before an appreciable degradation could be detected! p186-7

  • Graphite was mistaken for lead in the past, hence the use of the term ‘lead’ for the graphite in a pencil, and was called Plumbago.  Plumbago mines became more and more valuable as uses were discovered for it, such as casting musket and cannon balls.  During the 17th and 18th centuries in the UK, it became such a valuable commodity that theft became a major issue with enterprising thieves, or “artisanal miners” digging secret tunnels into existing mines to steal it.  In 1752, an act of parliament was passed to make stealing graphite an offense punishable by a year’s hard labour or 7 years transportation to Australia.  Many mines were protected by armed guards by 1800! P188

  • There is a type of coal, revered for its aesthetic appeal, commonly called “jet”, which is the fossilised remains of monkey puzzle trees.  Queen Victoria made it popular by wearing a lot of jewellry made from the substance while mourning her husband Prince Albert.  It became so popular that towns located near sizeable deposits stopped using it as fuel and started to make jewellry from it.  P190

  • The idea that diamonds might be related to coal or graphite was laughable until Antoine Lavoisier heated a diamond in 1772 and discovered that it glowed red hot but left nothing behind as residue.  Other gemstones seemed impervious to heat but diamond was not.  Lavoisier repeated the experiment in a vacuum and under these conditions, astonishingly, the diamond turned into pure graphite demonstrating that both materials were made of carbon! P191

  • In 1967 it was discovered that diamonds were not the hardest material known to man.  This carbon based material is based on graphite's hexagonal planes but, unlike graphite’s intra-layer weakness, this substance had a three dimensional version of the same structure giving it far more strength than even a diamond.  It was called lonsdaleite and is thought to be c.60% harder than diamond although it only occurs in very small quantities so it is hard to test.  The first sample was found in the Canyon Diablo meteorite, where the intense heat and pressure of impact transformed the graphite into lonsdaleite  P192

  • In 1963, at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough, engineers invented a material stronger and lighter than aluminium for constructing aircraft.  It was made by spinning graphite into a fibre and laying these fibres lengthways, to retain their strength, while encasing them in a epoxy glue to overcome the intra-layer weakness, which normally only have very weak Van der Waals forces to hold them together. This new material was called carbon fibre. A new aircraft like a Boeing Dreamliner is 70% carbon fibre.  P193

  • Recently, Andre Griem and his team at the Uni of Manchester discovered graphene or rather; discovered the unique properties that a single layer of graphite possesses; they called this ‘graphene’.  It is the strongest, stiffest and thinnest material in the world and can also conduct heat faster and carry more electricity, with less resistance, than any other material known to man.  These properties mean it could become an electronic powerhouse, possibly replacing silicone at the heart of all computation and communications! P199


  • The first drinking vessels were wood, which is bad as it has a strong taste, absorbs the liquid it contains and is hard to clean.  Metal cups were used later but conduct too much heat for hot drinks and also make quite a loud, unsophisticated sound when used.  Plastic cups are also used, mainly for children, as they are safe, warm and feel comforting in the mouth.  However, they are not very sophisticated and also affect the taste of subtle drinks like tea.  They also degrade when exposed to UV.  This leaves ceramics as the material of choice for drinking, especially hot drinks.  P202-3

  • Ceramics resist scratching, are impervious to UV, are easy to clean, last a long time, don’t conduct much heat and have little taste too.  The social cache of ceramic is also high, it being considered fine and sophisticated p203

  • People think paper cups are sustainable but the wax coating applied to make them water proof means they are almost impossible to recycle p203

  • Ceramics started life as river bed clay placed in the fire to make basic terracotta and earthenware pots.  These were porous, fragile, dusty and weak.  When used in cooking, liquid will seep into the pores, turn into steam and crack or shatter the material.  P204

  • Clay is a mixture of eroded minerals and water.  In the case of riverbed clay, rocks and other materials are eroded and washed down rivers.  When this is heated, first, the water evaporates leaving a structure of unconnected crystals.  Then, if the substance continues to be heated, the atoms in these crystals begin to bond with each other forming a far denser, less fragile material.  However, this process occurs far more easily, and extensively, in certain clays.  Terracotta has the advantages that it is easy to find and becomes a ceramic at a low temperature.  For uses like bricks to build houses, this makes it a perfect candidate as it won’t be moved around, heated and cooled or dropped much.  However, for a cup, plate or dish the materials porosity and fragility become major issues. P207

  • Asians led technological advances in ceramics, beginning with glazes whereby the earthenware vessel was covered in ash, which gave it a glass like protective finish.  This solves the problem of water getting into the clay but doesn’t solve the internal problem of its fragile structure.  P208

  • Two thousand years ago, potters in the Han Dynasty in China discovered that if kaolin was mixed with quartz and feldspar and then heated to extremely high temperatures (1300 C) then the clay turned to an almost watery looking solid and formed a white ceramic with an almost perfectly smooth surface.  It was also incredibly strong and tough allowing it to be fashioned into very thin, fine objects.  This was porcelain and it became a status symbol associated with drinking tea in China. P208-9

  • Visitors to China were amazed at this magical substance and a large export industry grew up around it, simultaneously exporting the custom of tea drinking to Europe.  However, Europeans did not know how to make it indigenously until the 18th century.  Indicating that the Han dynasty contained effective keepers of secrets! p210

  • Eventually in 1704, some 1,000 years after it was invented in Asia, a alchemist called Bottger, who was imprisoned by the King of Saxony and told to discover how to make porcelain, or ‘china’.  Some 50 years later, Britain invented its own version of ‘bone china’ made by mixing kaolin, minerals and animals bones.  This industry lead to much trade between Cornwall, where the requisite raw materials could be found, and the Midlands where manufacturing took place.  It is still a large industry in Stoke, aka “the Potteries” and Stoke FC are know as “the Potters”. P214


  • Allowing bones to heal themselves is an ancient technique practised by both the Egyptians and the Greeks.  Egyptians used linen, as they did in the process of mummification too, and the Greeks used bark, honey, cloth and waxes.  Plaster was a Turkish invention made by dehydrating the mineral gypsum and then adding water, which make the powder turn hard like cement.  However, plaster alone is too brittle and will simply crack into pieces in a few days.  Adding cotton bandages to the plaster gives the combination both stiffness and strength sufficient to allow the bone to heal while the patient can still move around a bit.  P219

  • Dental implants are a relatively recent phenomena.  Greeks and Egyptians would have either lived with the pain or pulled out the tooth when it became unbearable.  In 1840, ‘amalgam’ was invented by mixing mercury with silver and tin.  At room temperature, amalgam is a liquid metal because of its mercury content.  However, with the addition of its other components it hardens and, as such, can be inserted into a cavity as a liquid then left to harden into a solid.  It will also expand as it hardens meaning the filling will obtain a snug fit in the cavity.  More modern fillings are made from resins (plastic and silicia, liquid at room temperature but become solid when UV light is introduced) or porcelain.  P221-2

  • Ligaments are like the elastic bands of the body and connect one bone to another.  Despite this central role in the body, ligaments do not have a blood supply and therefore can’t heal themselves like bones or muscles.  Sometimes, ligaments can be taken from one part of the body and screwed into the bones that have lost their ligaments.  However, most foreign substances are rejected by the body although one exception is titanium, which forms strong bonds with bone, so screws for this type of procedure are usually made with titanium.  P223

  • Another part of the body that wears out quickly and can cause problems are the internal surfaces in joints, most commonly, the knees and hips although it can happen in any joint.  Unlike bone, it these surfaces will not heal themselves because they are not made of bone at all.  Rather they are made of cartilage, which is very smooth and acts as a shock absorber.  The first hip replacement was attempted in 1891 and used ivory although today ceramics or titanium are used.  In a hip replacement the ball of the ball and socket joint in the hip is sawn off and replaced with a metal or ceramic one.  A plate of the same material is then drilled into the pelvis and polyethylene is inserted between the two to act as cartilage.  More recent transplants have experimented with not using a replacement for cartilage, as the surfaces can be engineered to have very little resistance, although it’s unclear how this will work with wear and tear currently.  P226

  • Replacements may not be necessary in the future.  Scientists can now grow replacement cartilage cells for a person in a lab.  However, these cannot simply be injected into a worn joint to replace the lost cartilage there as cartilage is made up of chondroblast cells contained within a collagen skeleton.  Without this skeleton to support them, the cells will die.  As such, the focus has been on creating temporary scaffolds to allow the new cells to divide and grow within the body before the scaffold either dissolves or is consumed by the cells.  Hydroxyapatite or bioglass, invented in the 60s by Larry Hench to help Vietnam War veterans regrow limbs, is on such scaffold substance that encourages the growth of bone cells before being consumed by the same cells as they reach maturity.  Such tissue engineering has been very successful but only in areas where the bones do not experience much structural stress (e.g. face and skull) whereas in hips and knees this approach is virtually impossible because of the stress placed on these bones in everyday life.  In these instances, replacement sections of the body must be grown in bioreactors that mimic the conditions inside the human body before being introduced, whole, into the body.  The major advantage here vs. replacements sourced from donors or animals is that the new parts are still made up of the recipient’s cells and so will not be rejected by the body.  p228-9      

  • As with your skin, it doesn’t look old simply because of the passage of time.  Rather, each generation of cells is slightly worse than the one before and these errors in replication are repeated meaning the quality of new cells in our body is constantly declining as we get older.  The same is true of the cardiovascular system, which causes a third of deaths in the UK, and currently there is no prospect of replacing that in its entirety. P233-4

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